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Recap: Successful webinar “Unlocking the potential of data – FAIR data principles in NFDI” on Sep 29


In the world of scientific research, data is the lifeblood that fuels innovation and discovery. However, different disciplines often face unique challenges when it comes to managing and utilizing this valuable resource. On September 29, the inaugural workshop, hosted by the Physical Sciences in NFDI colloquium and facilitated by NFDI4Chem, NFDI4Cat, DAPHNE4NFDI, and FAIRmat, took a significant step toward addressing these challenges. The event sought to foster cross-disciplinary understanding by illuminating shared perspectives and objectives.


Webinar Highlights:

  • Exploring FAIR Data Principles: The webinar was an engaging journey into the world of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data principles. Our expert speakers illustrated the tools with which these principles can be applied to benefit researchers across diverse NFDI consortia.
  • The Advantages of FAIR Data Principles: Our speakers emphasized the critical importance of adhering to FAIR data principles. These principles enhance data management, foster collaboration, and accelerate scientific breakthroughs, offering valuable insights into the future of research.
  • Challenges and Solutions: Attendees actively participated in thought-provoking discussions about the challenges encountered in achieving FAIR data principles. Together, we explored innovative solutions that have the potential to reshape the landscape of research data management.

Incredible Participation: Over 50 participants from around the globe enriched our discussions with their invaluable contributions during the Q&A sessions. The event was truly a gathering of bright minds!

Webinar Resources: The presentation slides are accessible at Unlocking the Potential of Data – FAIR Data Principles in NFDI (zenodo.org), allowing interested audience to delve deeper into the content.

A recording of the talk is uploaded on our Youtube channel:


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