NFDI Physical Sciences Colloquium with Dr. Egon Willighagen
During his presentation at the NFDI Physical Sciences Colloquium on April 13, Egon outlined the future of integrative and collaborative research where knowledge and data flow freely between the parties involved - Open Science.
Physical Sciences in NFDI is a collaboration between the NFDI consortia DAPHNE4NFDI, FAIRmat, MaRDI, NFDIMatWerk, NFDI4Cat, NFDI4Chem and PUNCH4NFDI. We unite experts on a broad spectrum of topics in physics, chemistry, mathematics and informatics. In our talk series we invite leading scientists to showcase good data practices to an international, interdisciplinary audience.
We were very proud to welcome Dr Egon Willighagen for our April lecture.
Egon is Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioinformatics – BiGCaT at Maastricht University. During his presentation at the NFDI Physical Sciences Colloquium on April 13, Egon outlined the future of integrative and collaborative research where knowledge and data flow freely between the parties involved – Open Science.
How can we ensure the sustainability of digital data and software? This question started Egon in this path in Open Science and this presentation. Sustainability allows us to build in the knowledge of the past. If you want to learn more, you can find the video of this impressive presentation and the slides he used below.
Over the past decade, there has been an increased focus on ensuring that the physical sciences produce robust and reusable data that can be accessed by the broader research community.
Open Science outlines a future of inclusive and collaborative research, where knowledge and data flow freely between the parties involved.
FAIR science focuses on making data and knowledge easily discoverable, accessible with open standards, interoperable with community languages and explicit semantics, and reusable according to best professional practices.
This talk is a journey in the open science chemistry world, from open standards like the (nano)InChI, Chemical Markup Language, and Bioschemas, via open source chemistry by the Blue Obelisk movement, and open data via NanoCommons, and eNanoMapper and open knowledge via Wikidata and WikiPathways.s.
A recording of the talk is uploaded on our Youtube channel:
The presentation slides can be found here.