Kontakt Newsletter

NFDI4Chem Stammtisch



2-3 PM





Discuss ELNs, tools and methods for FAIR data with NFDI4Chem!

Several services and resources are currently being developed to help researchers manage their chemical data. The aim is to seamlessly digitise the entire workflow of all sub-disciplines of chemical research. At the monthly NFDI4Chem regulars’ table, you can find out more about these services and resources and discuss them with the NFDI4Chem developers and other researchers, get tips or provide important feedback from your practice. For example, an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) should be able to seamlessly capture, store, search and publish generated research data, taking into account the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles for data.

The Stammtisch begins with a short presentation by an expert, followed by an in-depth discussion with the audience and offers room for suggestions and improvements around a wide range of resources. Hotly discussed topics include the Chemotion ELN and other ELNs, repositories, machine learning and improvements to search algorithms (e.g. InChI). Don’t miss this unique opportunity to express your opinion and get involved in the development process!

The regulars’ table takes place every last Friday of the month at 2.00 pm!


26.04.2024: LADS – Laboratory and Analytical Device Standard with Matthias Arnold

You can register here.

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