Kontakt Newsletter

The ADCR 2023


02.11.2023- 03.11.2023

all day


DECHEMA-House (Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, 60486 Frankfurt am Main)

Submission Deadline:


Registration Deadline:




The Annual Digital Catalysis & Catalysis-Related Sciences Conference 2023 (ADCR 2023) is your opportunity to shape the future of digital catalysis and meet other scientists who are revolutionizing this field of science. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this community.

NFDI4Cat invites you, the public and the scientific community to attend our ADCR on November 2nd and 3rd, 2023, at the DECHEMA House in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

We cordially invite you to come to Frankfurt and help us revolutionise catalysis-related science.

During this event, NFDI4Cat will showcase the latest research and development in research data management for all steps of catalysis research and facilitate further exchange and collaboration on digital catalysis.

The programme

  1. On 2 November, the event is exclusively reserved for NFDI4Cat members. Until 17:00 we offer a platform of exchange, collaboration and discovery. But that’s not all!
  2. At 17:00 sharp, we open the gates to a very special experience – the Networking Christmas Market! Here, everyone is cordially invited to network, make contacts and enjoy the pre-Christmas season in a festive atmosphere.
  3. On 3 November – whether you are a member of NFDI4Cat or just curious about what we do, come along and immerse yourself in a world of science, exchange and innovation.

You can find the entire programme here!



  1. Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Thomas Horsch – associate professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), co-affiliated with UKRI STFC Daresbury Laboratory and the Innovation Centre for Process Data Technology (Inprodat)
  2. Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaskel – Dean of Faculty: Chemistry & Food Chemistry and Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Technische Universität Dresden. He will talk about the topic ‘Adsorption Data Digitization Initiative (IUPAC)’.


Poster session

NFDI4Cat aims to motivate young academics and young professionals from industry to contribute to research data management in catalysis and all catalysis-related sciences. Therefore, this event offers space for new and innovative topics to be presented and discussed in the form of posters. For this reason, we invite the submission of abstracts for poster presentation, which can be submitted until 31 October 2023.


Digital Chemist Award

As part of ADCR23, NFDI4Cat will present the “NFDI4Cat – Digital Chemist Award“. In collaboration with Chemistry Europe, this award aims to promote the adoption of FAIR principles and RDM practices. Chemistry Europe, a prominent editorial body, plays a central role in promoting awareness and understanding of RDM within the research community.

Workshop – Exploring the Ontology Landscape for Catalysis Research Data

  1. Community Insights: Engage in 10-minute pitch presentations to discuss approaches from various NFDIs
  2. Collaborative Feedback: A platform to gather and share feedback to enhance the utility of ontologies.
  3. Exploring Tools & Synergies: Dive into mapping tools and explore potential synergies to amalgamate similar initiatives.
  4. Enhancing Interoperability: Engage with NFDI4Cat staff and ontology enthusiasts to enhance data interoperability and harmonisation.

For more information, click here!


Flash Pitch Forum

This forum is a lively platform that offers participants the opportunity to briefly present their innovative tools and services in a 5-minute pitch, highlighting interdisciplinary applications and potential impact on research data management. It is an opportunity to increase the visibility of your work, engage with peers and explore opportunities to collaborate with other NFDI communities.

Want to know more about the Flash Pitch Forum, such as who is giving the talks? Click here to find out more


Registration and Fees

  • Registration for the event: Free of charge
  • Registration deadline: registration is open until 26/10/2023.
  • Registration confirmation: After registration you will receive an email confirmation with all important information.Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to attend ADCR23!

Register now to secure your place at this dynamic conference.


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